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some basic concepts on parallel universe (explained point by point)

parallel universe
Almost everyone loves the idea of a parallel universe, and it would be certainly breathtaking to meet you in another universe

But, is there any reality in these thoughts or they are only good for a sci-fi movie plot

Here’s a summary of this article


Explaining the 3 models of parallel universe-here, I will explain the 3 models, with examples-

·       Bubble universe model

·       Membrane model

·       Many worlds model

Understanding many worlds-in this section, the 3rd the model will be elaborated further using a “cat” thought experiment

Energy conservation and many worlds-various universes have their energies less than fixed total energy (which is conserved)

Are your thoughts a reality in a different universe- NO, this is not true, because you imagine something that violates laws of physics

How to travel to a parallel universe-theoretically it can be done using wormholes, but this method has some problems, which can be solved exotic matter

So if we are able to find exotic matter, a door to a lot of new possibilities will open up!


Parallel universe explained

A parallel universe is basically an idea of having many other universes apart from our own

There are 3 models about how these universes are present in space and time, how they are different, and where they are present.

The 3 models are

1.    bubble universe model

2.    membrane(or simply brane) model

3.    many worlds model(probably it exists)

#1 bubble universe model

As the name sounds, this model describes each universe as bubbles

1.    These bubble universes are present so far away from us

2.    we may never be able to see them or they may even be present inside the black holes

3.    The laws of physics in these universes are very different than that in our universe, this may be another reason we are not able to see them

This theory may be hard to digest for some, so let's move on to the next one

#2 membrane model

The membrane model is based on string theory

1.    some of the string theorists suggest that there are actually 9 dimensions of space rather than just 3

2.    This existence of other dimensions gives the possibility of the existence of other universes in them

3.    String theorists say that our world is a 3 dimensional surface in these 9 dimensions just like a piece of paper is a 2-dimensional object in our 3-dimensional world

4.    This idea can be visualized as the pages of a newspaper with each page being a complete universe

This model is largely mathematical and has no experimental evidence, so we move to the next model which is most likely to exist

#3 many-worlds model

This model comes from the motivation to explain how particles can exist in different states all at once

1.    quantum mechanics (see my 8 topics guide to quantum mechanics) tells us that until an object is measured or observed it is in a superposition of all its possible states at once

2.    This is known as the quantum superposition principle

3.    The motivation to explain superposition gave rise to the concept of parallel universe


Understanding many-worlds

For understanding many-worlds hypothesis let's first understand quantum superposition with the help of Schrodinger's cat experiment

Suppose there is a cat inside a box (through which you can’t see)

Here’s the question for you

Is the cat alive or dead?

You may answer there is a 50-50 chance of the cat being alive or dead

But, quantum mechanics tells us that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time

So when you open the box and find the cat alive, the cat is also dead but in a parallel universe


Understanding parallel universes-

Lets us analyze the cat the experiment we did above

1.    As soon as the cat is kept inside the box along with a bomb

2.    it gets entangled with the bomb and everything that's present inside the box (including the air molecules)

3.    As we open the box we yourself get entangled with everything that's inside the box

4.    entanglement here we mean that the state of one the particle will affect the state of the other no matter how far apart they are

5.    So the bomb's state will affect the cat's state

6.    Meaning that if the bomb exploded the cat will be dead and vice-versa

7.    This means that when you open the box and we found the cat alive, with the bomb unexploded, you also found the cat dead with the bomb exploded

8.    But that's not you, but a version of you a parallel universe


Understanding the multiverse hypothesis by the law of energy conservation


1.    The law of energy conservation states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed

2.    the basic idea in understanding the multiverse hypothesis is that each universe is a subpart of the bigger whole

3.    Each universe may look identical but, they actually, contribute less than the total energy of the complete multiverse

4.    thinking of a parallel universe in this way makes it clear that each universe in many worlds hypothesis is a part of total energy

NOTE- But with this explanation, we still don't know how many such universes are there

Here’s another question for you

Is every thought in our the head is an event in another universe


Are there as many universes as your thoughts?


1.    Many of our thoughts can actually be an event taking place in another universe, but not all our thought can be an event

2.    We may think of something impossible such as an electron converting into a proton

3.    There is a zero probability for this to happen

4.    Because it violates the very fundamental laws of conservation of mass and charge


How many universes are there?

·       It can't be said for sure that there are a finite or infinite number of universes

·       but, it can be said certainly that the number is actually very large

Here’s the explanation


1.    A universe branches further whenever quantum entanglement takes place

2.    As we say in our cat experiment above, the moment we open the box we get entangled with everything inside the box

3.    If you found the cat dead, another universe is created, where another version of you found the cat alive

4.    This way we can imagine that another universe is formed the moment a particle interacts with any other particle


How to travel to a parallel universe

·       We currently have no technology to do so

·       but, this travel is possible theoretically by a wormhole

Here’s how


1.    A wormhole is like a bridge connecting 2 points in space which can be actually very far apart

2.    A wormhole is basically a shortcut through space

3.    It can be visualized using a sheet of paper with 2 dots on it

4.    The smallest possible path to reach from one dot to the other is along a straight line

5.    We can find an even shorter path bending the paper, with one dot right over the other

6.    This shortest path is a wormhole in paper

7.    Wormholes not only take us to another part in this universe us, but also in parts of other universes or even back in time


Problems with this method-


1.    The biggest problem with this method of travel is that, wormholes are still mathematical

2.    even if they exist they may be very unstable and as tiny as atoms

3.    They may disappear in fractions of seconds

Solving this problem-

To solve this problem, theoretically, we can take the help of exotic matter (read a basic article on exotic matter)


1.    Exotic matter is a special type of matter with antigravity properties

2.    If it is placed inside a wormhole, it will push out the walls of the wormhole, and prevent it from closing.


All this may seem very easy before knowing, that exotic matter is also largely theoretical, although some initial success has been achieved in creating exotic matter 


I discussed a lot of things to give you a good idea of parallel universe

Do you think that a parallel universe exists?

And if so, will we ever be able to travel to one

I want to know your thoughts, go over to the comment section and let me know   



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