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what are wormholes (complete and short explanation)

there are chances that you must have heard interesting stories about time travel or traveling to a parallel universe (see: some basic concepts on parallel universe)

one of the theoretically possible ways of traveling in time or into another world is by using wormholes


wormhole meaning 

a wormhole also is known as the einstein-Rosen bridge is a shortcut through space and time

what we mean by a shortcut is that distance between two very distant points in space can be reduced with their use

this idea might seem to be impossible at first because our general perception of space tells us that space is unaffectable

to understand this concept, space can be thought o behave like a stretched rubber membrane

space can be bent, stretched, or contracted

to analogically understand wormhole, consider 2 dots on a piece of paper

the shortest path to reach from one dot to other is along the straight line passing through them

but if we bent this paper and place one dot over the other, we reduce the distance to reach from one point to other

this is how a wormhole works, in a sheet of space


do wormholes exist  

wormholes can exist theoretically but, there is experimental evidence if their existence

there are a set of equations in physics which mathematically allow wormholes to exist

moreover, there have been a number of incidences of time travel and encounter with another worldly people, which are explainable only with the help of wormholes


how are wormholes created

How are wormholes formed
wormholes are created naturally by quantum fluctuations in space

space can be thought of as a stretched rubber membrane, whenever anything is present in it space is curved around it

according to einstein's mass-energy equivalence mass can be converted into energy

for converting mass completely into energy, we need to make it in contact with antimatter, and after interaction both matter and antimatter annihilate each other, giving a blow of energy

the opposite of this process is continuously taking place in space, matter and antimatter pop out of nowhere and annihilate each other

this creates vibrations in space just as a stretched membrane can vibrate when disturbed

these vibrations give rise to wormholes, but they are microscopic in size and are closed within seconds


traveling through wormholes 

for wormhole travel, we need to use exotic matter, to prevent gravity from closing it

we primarily face 2 problems in wormhole travel-

  1. they are microscopic in size
  2. they are extremely unstable

both of these can be solved with the use of exotic matter or a matter with negative mass

the exotic matter has negative energy density so it will oppose gravity from closing the wormhole

exotic matter is largely theoretical and practically isn't observed, but scientists have created something close to exotic matter in labs, and these attempts light our hopes to time travel


blackholes and wormholes 


 here are 8 basic differences between a wormhole and a black hole 


#1 wormhole is a shortcut through space and time #1 a black hole is a rip through the space-time fabric
#2 when you jump into a wormhole you reach another point in space #2 journey through a black hole would, most probably, never end as it takes infinite time to cross a black hole
#3 a wormhole is like a tunnel #3 a black hole is like a never-ending hole
#4 wormholes don't have an event horizon #4 a black hole has an event horizon
#5 a wormhole may connect 2 entangled black holes #5 2 black holes may be present at the ends of a wormhole tunnel
#6 wormholes are formed by quantum fluctuations in space #6 black holes are formed by the collapse of a dying star
#7 wormholes are extremely unstable #7 black holes are stable
#8 wormholes may close within a fraction of seconds after they are formed #8 a supermassive black hole may take up to 10^100 years to evaporate


frequently asked questions about wormholes 

QUESTION do wormholes exist?
ANSWER yes, they exist theoretically but, no experimental evidence is found yet 

QUESTION how are they formed?
ANSWER they are formed by quantum fluctuations through the fabric of space-time 

QUESTION how to create a wormhole for time travel?
ANSWER for creating a travellable one we need to use exotic matter to stabilize it against gravity and prevent it from closing 


do you think that interspace travel to astronomical distances, time travel or traveling to another world would ever be possible using wormholes 

I think yes because scientists are able to synthesize a substance with negative mass properties 

what do you think?

or do you have any questions or doubts?

either way, you can comment and let me know 


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